→ how much do you charge?
All coaching is currently via zoom. You will receive a link when you schedule and pay for your session.
$60//half hour
$25//15 minutes (This is ONLY for regulars or people I know well, and with whom I who can work FAST!)
BUDDY SESSIONS $160//hr - Split with a friend! This can be a great way to engage in long-term or ongoing coaching for things like learning accents and dialects, etc.
I offer a FREE 15-minute consultation via zoom to chat, and assess whether or not I am the right person to work with you. Please note, this is a strict 15-minute vibe check, as my time is valuable. Just like yours!
If you were referred by someone, please note it in your calendly form or let me know when we meet.
ON-SET COACHING: Please contact me directly for more details.
→ how can i book you?
TALENT: Please direct all booking & audition requests to my agent, Janet Tscha: janet@jttalent.com
COACHING/TEACHING: For classes, workshops, and on-set coaching email me directly.
→ what type of coach are you?
I work with all kinds of humans. I love teaching, and it is a deep privilege to get to work with so many fascinating and hard-working individuals.
Clients love working with me to learn new dialects and accents, for a really dropped in audition coaching and taping, and about physical care and maintenance that will make learning new skills more fun. I focus a lot on personal agency, empowering actors with script/story/character-based choices, and finding the character’s breath and body in order to safely craft a performance that you can maintain for 20 to 30 takes. I’m also really good at helping actors to get into period material, drawing heavily from my MFA in Shakespearean Performance, and aiding clients with referrals for alternative resources to enhance their understanding (like books, movies, music to get them in the right headspace).
I am a non-dogmatic coach focused on supporting the work of creatives, performers, and professionals by sharing trauma-informed, multidisciplinary exercises and industry-current guidance. There is not one ultimate teacher or technique. Any teacher or coach who tries to sell you their “method” for success as an actor is a snake oil salesman. I coach from reality, and although this path is uncertain, there are ways to increase your awareness, skill level, and readiness to PLAY. - And that’s where I want to meet you.
Some of the modalities I am trained in include Linklater, the Alexander Technique, Fitzmaurice, stage combat & rapier/dagger training, podcasting, improv, Grotowski, reiki, yoga, dance, …and way more that I can’t think of because it’s been a long journey! Suffice it to say, I am a life-long learner and will always be a nerd for new classes and skills.
If you want to know more about me, but interacting with strangers gives you urticaria, check out my podcast!
You will get a very real version of me. (NSFW, so don’t listen with young humans… I swear a lot.)
If you have further questions about my approach, or require any accommodations, please reach out. It is important to me that the people I work with know that they are being seen, heard and valued, that their fears and concerns are being taken into consideration, and that they know what they’re getting when they invest in working with me.
Please email me for my full CV, or my teaching resumè.
→ Do you work with kids & teens?
Heck yes I do! I have years of experience as an educator across disciplines, age groups and states. Working for non-profit arts groups, theater companies’ education departments, and as an independent contractor has introduced me to all types of learners and performers of all abilities and skill levels. As a parent, I know that it can be torture trying to help our own kids, who may want nothing to do with us, or who may feel that every note is a personal criticism. I specialize in finding the brilliance in their choices, helping them to gain confidence and strength based on what’s already working. I’m particularly keen on teens and tweens at the moment, as I feel the expectations placed on them are immense, and have found that they respond quite well to being seen as leaders in their own artistic journey.